Monday, August 15, 2011

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Depending on your age and musical tastes, you might've been exposed to Henry Rollins as he ground it out in punk rock titans Black Flag. Or like me, you might've been an impressionable teen, watching that "Liar" video get heavy play on MTV's Alternative Nation. I'm sure there are folks out there who only know Rollins from his books and spoken word performances, or his numerous television and film appearances. The tattooed dude with the muscles, right? Regardless, you know that guy. Almost as fascinating as the cult of personality that has grown around Henry Rollins over the years is the way he's deftly navigated a creative life, always working with a desperation that one day it could all go away-IT being the audiences, the paying public, the speaking gigs and acting opportunities. That fear is common in Hollywood, but in Rollins' case I think it has only served as motivation: to leave it on the stage every single night (whether he's speaking or screaming) and make every sentence count. One reason why I can claim I've never, ever been disappointed in Henry Rollins.

Max Ernst
Faith Ringgold
Ronald Regan
Ashlee Simpson

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